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What is the Advantages of Low Volume PCB Assembly?

时间:2019-06-11| 作者:admin

Advantages of Low Volume PCB Assembly

Following advantages of low volume assembly of PCBs works in their favor:

  • Small Quantity Assemblies: As the name suggests, this refers to small volume circuit board assemblies. These quantities may vary from 25- 1000 or sometimes 5000. Small volume assemblies are ideal for OEMs who are building new products. These small quantities will help them understand issues that may affect their products.
  • Design Changes: Prototype PCBs allow customers to understand the final look of their PCB. These small volume PCBs will help OEMs to arrive at better decisions regarding whether they wish to proceed with a product, or whether they wish to go for long production runs.
  • Testing and Troubleshooting: Most PCB assembly manufacturers employ the same testing and troubleshooting practices for small volume and big production runs. This helps them understand whether certain components require some repair, or replacement. Many service providers even provide X-ray inspection of leadless part assemblies, as well as Ball Grid Array (BGA).
  • Price Benefits: Many assembly services providers help their clients avoid extra charges by waving stencil, as well as NRE costs on repeat orders. Also, they will take responsibility to shop part numbers with major distributors, as well as select quantities to achieve the lower prices per part. This helps users to reduce their production costs.

Working with low volume PCB assemblies has its upsides and downsides. As the customer, there are some pointers that will help you get the most out of your assembly. In this post, we will explain how to capitalize on the positives and ways to move around the negative aspects.

How to Select a Low Volume PCB Assembly Manufacturer?

The tips mentioned below should help you get the most out of your low volume PCB assembly order.

1. Single Supplier

Choose a low volume PCB manufacturer who can be a one-stop supplier for all your PCB needs. The advantage of working with a small order is that you don’t need to coordinate with multiple organizations or individuals. Your order can be handled by a single point of contact.

2. Importance of Prototypes

Even when working with small orders, you must insist on use of prototypes – even if it comes at an added cost. Prototypes will allow you to check your design and improve on it, if needed.

3. Low Volume PCB Manufacturer

Manufacturing Low volume PCB assemblies can be a task when working with an inexperienced manufacturer. Since the order quantity is low, cost of production will be slightly higher. Hence, any mistake on the part of the PCB manufacturer will result in higher losses for the client.

4. Standard PCB Practices

Standard best practices associated with PCB manufacturing should be followed even when working with a low volume PCB assembly. This includes design, manufacturing, assembly, and testing processes.

How to obtain a quote on Low Volume PCB Assembly?

You can easily place a small-volume order and obtain a PCB assembly quote. Simply forward your BOM list and Gerber files to: sales@canmtech.com, we will reply quickly.